About Us


Shaping the future of fluid delivery with innovation and integrity.


We operate with Integrity. take Extreme Ownership. lift each other up with Servant Leadership. win by Exceeding Expectations. embody Optimistic Vision.


  • We value always doing what is right, even when no one is watching

  • We build trust with those we work with and are true to our word

  • We are fair and respectful in our dealings with others

  • We treat everyone with dignity and kindness

Extreme Ownership

  • Every member of our team is fully responsible and accountable for actions and decisions

  • We take ownership of the outcome, whether good or bad

  • We embrace accountability, taking initiative, and being proactive in seeking solutions to problems

  • We don’t blame others for setbacks or failures - instead we look for ways to learn from mistakes, improve processes, and find new and innovative ways to succeed

Servant Leadership

  • We put the needs of the team and the company first

  • We lead by example

  • We maintain an environment where everyone feels valued and supported

  • We are good listeners, open to new ideas, and willing to support and empower others

Exceeding Expectations

  • We deliver the highest quality products and services with the best possible customer experience

  • We are proactive in identifying and addressing customer needs and responsive to feedback

  • We take initiative to improve processes and find ways to better serve our customers

  • We provide opportunities for growth and development, and recognize and reward excellence

Optimistic Vision

  • We are open to new ideas and possibilities

  • We have confidence in our ability to make a positive impact

  • We don’t see challenges as obstacles, but as opportunities for growth and progress

  • We have the courage to take risks and pursue our vision, even in the face of uncertainty
Our Company Culture

Adaptive workplace, work life balance. Inclusion.

Zulu Pods is a different type of aerospace development company. We believe that people perform their best when they are respected and work in an environment that cultivates a broad range of backgrounds, cultures, and ideas. 

“The truth is that people do their best work when they are respected, feel like they are allowed to be three-dimensional people, and when they feel a genuine sense of belonging.” 

– Daniella Sladen – CTO and Co-Founder


Daniella Sladen

Co-Founder and CTO

Rob Sladen, MBA

Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO

Troy P Cunningham, JD

Co-Founder and President

Todd M Currier PhD., P.E.

Co-Founder and CSO

Joe Cunningham



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